Monday, September 21, 2009

OIL Pulling

This is the strangest modality(method) I have ever heard but it is actually good for you!

Oil pulling is based on ayurvedic principles and for the last 10 days, I have been swishing oil in my mouth to get rid of a tooth infection. It is crazy but it is working! The dentist said that I am healing faster than he thought I would. Oil pulling pulls the toxins out of the body.

It is said that teeth are whiter, tooth infections disappear or are less, more energy, healthier digestion and more relaxed and sleep has improved.

I am going to try it for another month and will let you know how I feel!

Happy swishing and yes it is not the most pleasant! (infact, it sounds disgusting!)

OK so this is what you do.

1 tablespoon of sunflower, coconut, sesame, or flax oil. (cold pressed if you can)
I alternate between sunflower and flaxseed.

Swish in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes and get rid of it.The oil will turn white when you are finished swishing.

Please don't swallow it because it contains toxins.

Rinse with warm water

Brush your teeth.

Do not eat for 4 hours prior to swishing!


  1. Contains toxins! What about cooking/eating those oils as usual?? Anyway, this is very interesting as I currently have two surgical bandages in my mouth from gum surgery. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have been oil pulling for about a month now. I was just trying it out because I had never heard of it. I am an avid tongue cleaner so I figured I would give it a go. Anyway I feel like my teeth are cleaner than when I just brush. Do you find that to be the case?

  3. yes my teeth feel cleaner. Sounds like we started around the same time. What oil are you using?
